26 October 2008

26/10/08 - Judo

Class #7

Warwick Judo (Judo), Chris Page, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK - 26/10/2008

Heavier focus on throws today, covering off three. I think I mixed up names last time (which I'm guessing is likely to happen a lot in the course of my judo logging…), and should have said tai otoshi rather than uki goshi. We did both of those throws today, which made the difference clear.

Tai otoshi is the one Chris showed us last week (see here for JudoInfo animation), where you break their balance by pulling them up and forward, step in between their legs, move that foot across so its over both of their shins, then pull them over your leg.

Uki goshi, on the other hand, is more like the hip throw I'm used to from BJJ (o goshi). It means 'floating hip', apparently, which makes sense given the technique. Again, break their balance (the 'kuzushi' thing), pulling them down then up (if I understood Adam correctly), then step in, bring your arm under their armpit so you can grip their shoulder (though Chris mentioned some people prefer to grab the waist or the belt). You step your leg in the middle of theirs, then pop them up onto your hip, twisting to drop them in front of you (see animation on JudoInfo).

Finally, the ippon seoinage again (JudoInfo animation). This time, Adam emphasised that I should be on the balls of my feet, dip, then swivel in. Chris highlighted the importance of turning your head, which should put you in proper body alignment to best execute the throw.

Tachiwaza (stand-up) sparring went as usual, with me backing off and staying fairly stiff. I need to learn how to be more relaxed, and also how to set-up throws: as with BJJ, main mistake beginners make is that they are too tense. Being aware of the problem is a start, but doesn't solve it, so its something I'll have to focus on. I'm also very passive, again in keeping with my approach to BJJ, which doesn't really work in judo: have to be aggressive to get in those throws, so following through on a technique is something else I need to work on.

To finish, Chris went through some transitions between throwing and pinning, with combinations like the uki goshi straight into scarf hold. That did mean that we sparred with transitions in mind rather than the normal groundwork sparring, which was a shame, but better suited to judo competition rules. There is a grading and a competition coming up, so makes sense to get used to that environment. Personally, I don't care about grading or competing, but I'd assume most of the class do.

Noticed another BJJ guy at class tonight, from Denmark, who seemed interested in joining us for drilling on Sunday. I'm trying to make the Warwick Uni BJJ sessions regularly on a Sunday, as Glen suggested last week: if you've got a regular slot, people will be prepared and start making time for it, rather than the uncertainty of shifting times. Much easier for me to book it now too, as I'm both a Sports Fed member and live near to campus.

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