01 May 2016

01/05/2016 - Open Mat | Kids BJJ Class Starting Soon at Artemis BJJ

Class #717
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 01/05/2016

After a couple of months of planning, I'm finally in position to start a kids BJJ class at Artemis BJJ. Once we've got all the paperwork sorted (as I think it's important to have all your insurance and DBS checks in place, especially when teaching kids), we'll be ready to go. The social media is underway, on Twitter, Instagram and of course Facebook. Keep an eye on the main Artemis BJJ Facebook page: I'm hoping to have a launch date soon. If you're interested in signing up your child, drop me an email at info@artemisbjj.com, so I have an idea of the age range.

At today's open mat, I did some competition game planning with one of my students. That was a fun challenge, as we were trying to avoid impact on the back due to some old injuries. There was also more competition focus towards the end, with a shark tank for Rich, one of the guys heading to the British Open next weekend. Naturally it wasn't all about competition today, as that's only one part of jiu jitsu: plenty of time for fun rolls too.

I got in some more practice on the kettlebell snatch too, as I can at least still use my left hand. Hopefully that injury on my right heals soon, I'm itching to get back into proper sparring (I jumped in for one of the shark tank rounds, but couldn't properly put on the armbar I was going for: good thing those rounds are only a minute for the person who isn't being shark tanked ;D).

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