22 July 2021

22/07/2021 - First daytime class since the pandemic started

Class #1238
Artemis BJJ (Easton Rd), Bristol, UK - 22/07/2021

Wow, it's been a long time! It felt really good to be back teaching properly again though, and actually being able to wander around and correct people. Also, answering technical questions, I'd forgotten how much I enjoy being able to chat about technique and help people improve.

I practiced something new (for me) today, which is going for the armbar off the 2-on-1 grip break set up. It was a good practice for next Monday, fitting in well with the techniques I've taught this week. I'm going to keep playing, but getting an arm under the leg is one big help for this. Also, considering how to maintain control of their posture while getting perpendicular and then a leg over the head. That's something I'm also going to keep playing with, checking videos, etc. I've got lots of prep time, so I should have a solid lesson plan by the time I get to next Monday.

It was also really good to finally spar again on Monday and Wednesday, with Weronika M. She's smaller than me, but not quite as small as thought (in the 60kg+ range, so only a 10kg difference max, rather than the 20kg or more I thought). Particularly as the other awesome Polish blue belt student I used to train with has unfortunately moved to bath. ;)

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