Gracie Barra Bristol, (BJJ), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 14/02/2013
The GrappleThon in support of Rape Crisis has had a major boost to its fundraising in the last few days, in the form of Jack McDonald. He joined the team on the 13th, I'm writing this on the 15th, and in that mere three days he has already almost raised £250. Which is awesome. If anybody would like to help me bump up my own total, or indeed donate to any of the other fundraisers (they're all listed in the team link at the bottom), please send your kind donations here. No amount is too small: you can also do it by text message, texting GRAP54 £1 to 70070 (the number you put after the £ sign dictates how much you donate ;D).

Bring your feet right back, threading them around their legs to establish two hooks: this is known as a grapevine. Alternatively, you can also cross your feet underneath, which has the advantage of making it much harder for them to push your hooks off. Your knees are ideally off the ground, to generate maximum pressure. How far off the ground they are depends on your dimensions: the key is getting loads of hip pressure. Another option, which I learned from Rob Stevens at Gracie Barra Birmingham, is to put the soles of your feet together and then bring your knees right off the floor.
Whichever option you're going for, thrust those hips into them, using your hands for base, where again you have a couple of options. Either have both arms out, or put one under the head while the other goes out wide for base. Try to grip the gi material by their opposite shoulder, or even better, by the opposite armpit. Keep your head on the basing arm side, loading up your weight there. If they're bridging hard, you can switch from side to side.
You can also turn to what’s called technical mount if they roll to either side. I didn’t go into too much detail on that, as that’s a whole other lesson in itself (which I last taught in conjunction with s-mount), but it is worth pointing it out as an option at this stage. I included the basic drill where you turn from side to side in the warm-up.
The drawback to the low mount is that there aren't many submissions from there: the ezequiel is one of the few high percentage attacks. In terms of their defence, they are mostly going to be trying to unhook your feet and digging their elbows under your knees, so you'll be battling to keep those in place.
He also recommends against leaning forward, as he feels that gives them more space and leverage to escape. Hence why he leans back instead. Experiment, seeing how holding the head works for you versus leaning back. I think Saulo’s method requires more experience, and personally I feel unstable there, but as ever, I want to offer students choice whenever possible.

Teaching Notes: As before, I don't think the Saulo option was very popular, but I had enough time to teach it during the high mount section, so thought I'd throw it in there. The main interesting point to come out of this lesson from a teaching perspective was a reminder that different body types require slight modifications of a technique. I always use a low mount with my feet crossed under their bum, but then I'm small with short legs.
The taller people in class had rather more trouble. If they tried to cross their feet, they couldn't get them under the other person's bottom without messing up their posture on top. The other option was bringing their crossed feet out behind, between their partner's legs, but that makes them a lot more vulnerable to getting stuck in various escapes (like the heel drag to half guard).
I suggested trying standard grapevines if your legs are that long, although that does have the problem that people can unhook your grapevines and again go for an escape (which is the reason I cross my feet in the first place). Something for me to consider in future lessons, and perhaps watch how some taller grapplers use mount in competition.
From my own lineage, Roger is a good example, who I talked about in this lesson. However, I mentioned him from a high mount perspective rather than low mount. I'll have to see if I can find videos of Roger doing low mount: TrumpetDan most likely has it covered somewhere, as he has put up lots of good analysis of Roger's game.
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