Artemis BJJ (PHNX Fitness), Open Mat, Bristol, UK - 20/12/2014

I spent all of it sparring with Tracey and her son, which was cool. I had a play with the Ryan Hall arm shield principles when sparring with Tracey, then played around while sparring her son (as he's 12). Pulling my xmas hat down over my eyes meant I had to go by feel rather than sight, a useful training drill in general.
We'll be running open mats as usual throughout the xmas period, every Saturday from 10:00-12:00 at PHNX Fitness in Kingswood. The full schedule of Artemis BJJ classes over December is up here, with directions to the venues too. You don't have to be a member to pop along, so feel free to join us if you're at a loose end over xmas and New Year, looking for training. :D
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