Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 09/11/2016

Next you want to get hold of their non-choking side leg. If you're having trouble grabbing it, Dónal suggests using your same side heel to dig in by their knee, curling your leg back. That should bring their trouser leg in range for you to grab with your free hand, establishing a good anchor point. You then want to swivel your body, in order to get your leg-grabbing side foot to the outside of their other thigh.
I tend to push off their non-grabbed leg side thigh with my same side foot, to help me move my other foot over. Once you've got that foot locked in place, you want to keep it there to block them from trying to turn into an escape. Along with your initial grip on their leg, that hook with your foot gives you better leverage to move into the main choking position.
To get there, swing out your non-hooking leg. You want to end up with your opponent's head on the thigh of that leg you just swung out. Tuck the elbow of your choking arm back by your hip, as pulling on the elbow is one of the main escapes. To finish, pull your hand down (like you were cracking a whip), pressing your forearm into their head (you can drive with your shoulder too). If that doesn't work, you can try increasing the range by gripping with less fingers (though this does make your grip weaker). Putting a leg over their shoulder and then crossing your feet can give you more leverage, as you can then thrust your hips up into the choke.
If that still isn't getting the choke, try bringing the hand that was gripping their leg behind their head, driving it through to push their head forward as you lock in the choke. For even more leverage, you can bring it under their arm. That then sets you up for yet another follow-up submission: the armbar is right there from that position.
Teaching Notes: I forgot to talk about opening up the collar initially with the hand you have under their armpit, so need to do that next time. I also probably shouldn't add in all the many bits at the end, maybe just the crossing on the shoulder and the head behind choke? Then again, it is useful to know the armbar is there, but I could just mention that rather than run through it.
I am planning to get back to sparring normally on Sunday, so hopefully my back is finally going to stop annoying me. Never get older, especially as 35 isn't even old. I need to strengthen up my back in time for 45! ;)
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