Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 23/06/2017
The shin-to-shin guard provides an additional pressure to your sweeps, giving you the very useful ability to lift compared to koala guard or de la Riva (or at least, I find it's much easier to lift with shin on shin than de la Riva). I first started playing with this after my instructor showed me some options at a private in 2015, then in more depth at Ana's seminar. Kev also went through the sequence again at the grading seminar recently. Put your shin in front of their same side leg, wrapping behind that leg with your same side arm. Your other leg pushes on their knee. That will normally make them post their arm, or at least put the arm in range.
Make sure that the knee on your shin leg is at forty five degrees. If it is too high, they can push your knee out of the way and pass, so keep it low enough to prevent an easy push. Grab their sleeve, with the intention to pass their arm under their leg to your other hand, which is waiting there behind their leg. Ideally, pull it all the way behind their knee, as far over in that direction as you can. With your passing hand, grab high on the arm you just controlled, up near their shoulder. Pull down on that arm as you lift with your shin. It's much the same motion as the basic de la Riva sweep I was taught at GB Brum.
There is also a kneeling version:
Sparring Notes: Again, emphasise the angle of the knee, so they can't easily push it out of the way and pass (like I say in the video - it is going to be super useful having that to analyse for future lessons now, glad I started doing it since the grading :D). I've been describing it as "about 45 degrees", which I think is about right, but my maths is horrendous and therefore I may have got that wrong. ;)
Highlighting Kev's tip about pulling their sleeve all the way past the back of the knee is something I'll keep doing. Make sure you're tight to the leg, being wary of them crushing you onto your back with their knee. The way to prevent that, I think, is getting your shoulder behind their knee and angling off. I should double check that though. This is definitely the area where I have the most trouble with shin on shin, as I don't always get the ideal angle or tightness. Milka noted that the way I was clamping my head to her leg when demonstrating felt like it was important to the tightness too, worth noting.
I tend to finish in knee on belly, Kev had a longer sequence with a nifty pass that splits the legs. I could show that next time, I decided against it in the interests of simplicity. I've also been adding in more complex warm up drills, though still not mega complex. E.g., rather than just shrimping, I added a backwards breakfall, then scooting back in sitting guard, technical stand-up, backwards breakfall again.
I want to think more about how you can insert your shin into position when they are partway through a knee cut. That is a great way to turn their pass into a sweep, something I should play with more.
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