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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez

30 July 2019

30/07/2019 - BJJ Globetrotter Camp | Heidelberg 2019 | Christian Graugart, passing

Class #1174
BJJ Globetrotter Camp (Olympiastützpunkt Rhein-Neckar) #####, Heidelberg, Germany, 30/07/2019

Passing. Sleeve pull, groin to face, mount. Or, fake a step one way, then jump and X pass other way İf shin on shin, Windscreen wiper, backstep.

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Two excellent classes on very different topics from @graugart just now. First up, an expansion of his 'head over butt' passing concept, which totally changed my passing game a few years ago when I first saw him teach it (and is why I don't look at people when I pass). 👍 There have been several cool passing classes so far, so I'll definitely be teaching a whole bunch of passing @ArtemisBJJ, given August is open guard month. 😃 The second class was Christian's off the mat workshop about generating ideas and entrepreneurship. İ have missed it every time until today, third time lucky. Just as good as I'd heard. 😎 Hopefully that will help me finally get my arse in gear on several langusihing projects of mine (most importantly that novel I haven't been writing for about 20 years now 😜) ____________________________ #BrazilianJiuJitsu #BJJ #bjjGlobetrotter #bjjGlobetrottersHeidelberg #bjjGlobetrottersCamp #bjjGlobetrotters @bjjglobetrotters #ArtemisBJJatGlobetrotterCamp #BJJGlobetrotterCampHeidelberg2019 #Heidelcamp #NotALifeCoach 😛

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