Artemis BJJ (Impact Gym), Dónal Carmody, Bristol, UK - 04/09/2014
Quick update from the Artemis BJJ website: the interview I did with Saulo Ribeiro is now up here. In regards to class tonight, I didn't get in much training, as I was helping out with teaching. Attendance was huge today, so we thought two instructors would be better than one (seeing as we were both there).

If they try to roll out over their shoulder and recover guard, reach through to far hip like last time. That escape motion was my main bit of drilling, while demonstrating it with Dónal : roll over your shoulder to get your guard back, swinging your legs in front of them. You're effectively rolling on the spot (pretty much the same motion as a breakfall, without the hand slapping part), as tight a turn as possible to recover your guard.
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