Artemis BJJ (Bristol Sports Centre), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 29/09/2014

Once you have that foot in place, you have two options. The simple version is to swivel underneath, towards the side they're trying to reach, putting you right into a strong open guard. Your knee will already be in place to block them and provide some distance control, then you can back that up by framing your arms and bringing your other leg to bear. The more complex option is a bit higher risk, but you get higher potential reward.
This time, grab their trouser leg on the inside, reaching through your own legs (this is key: if you don't get that grip, they can avoid this technique fairly easily). You can then swing your non-hooking leg over the top, so swivelling in the other direction compared to the previous guard recovery. That ends up potentially putting them right into your triangle, but on the downside if you mess it up, they're now in a good spot to pass.
Teaching Notes: This one was a little trickier than the arm wing from last week, though the principle is much the same. I'm not sure which leg is best to grab on the second method: we experimented with both, but I'll keep playing with that. Although personally I still don't tend to use it as much when sparring, as I prefer the lazier strategy of waiting for an opening, then spinning into it.
Next time we go through turtle, I might teach a really basic class, showing how to stay tight, look for space and then exploit it (e.g., rolling over your shoulder, swivelling into half guard, etc). This will be the last class on the back for a while, as October starts on Wednesday, when the position of the month will be the mount. Should work well, as we started at our new second location in Kingswood on Thursday, where I'd be expecting most of the people there will be beginners. So, perfect time to review the basics of mount. :)
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