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This website is about Brazilian jiu jitsu (BJJ). I'm a black belt who started in 2006, teaching and training at Artemis BJJ in Bristol, UK. All content ©Can Sönmez

17 February 2019

17/02/2019 - Sunday open mat

Class #1114
Artemis BJJ (MYGYM Bristol), Can Sönmez, Bristol, UK - 17/02/2019

I fit in a roll with Erick, which was fun, starting with him on my back. I tried to lean forward Priit style, but ended up on my side. Eventually worked my way free, using the slow motion seoi-nage, but ended up inside guard instead of side control. From there I went to safety position, as Erick was doing a good job of controlling my posture, before working back to the standard posture. I attempted to grab his arm when he got my collar to stand and pass, which after a couple of false starts worked. Slow and steady to pass.

In the process he kinda got a half butterfly position, which I blocked due to an underhook and holding his leg. However, he did manage to work to the sweep, though I freed my leg. Before we could play too much in open guard, time ran out. Fun times! :D

Then, lots of drilling with Kirsty and Josh, which was cool. I'm trying to institute the regular drilling recommended by Mario, though it's taken a while to arrange a time we can all make. Went great today, really useful. I ran through some Priit and Mario drills with Kirsty to start, then we delved into the butterfly pass a bit (as Kenny mentioned I was leaving myself wide open to hooks). I later drilled that with Josh too, and I think the most effective grip seemed to be grabbing the opposite foot on both side, meaning both my arms are occupied. I can still balance on my head and shoulder to hop past.

Also, while the flip is flashier so I like it for drilling, doing a bland hop is more effective. You can then shuck past any attempts by them to bring their knee in through a combination of brushing it past with your hip, your shoulder, your knee and pulling on the foot grips you have.

I also drilled Priit's running escape > turtle > panda sequence with Kirsty, which was also really useful. We started off with light resistance, then started up it a little (though still well off sparring pace). I am slightly concerned about leaning forward too much with somebody bigger, though it seems I'm flexible enough to go relatively far. I'll keep testing. This is shaping up nicely, so it's a pattern I can repeat, with some tweaks.

I want to drill Priit's open guard properly, I still haven't gotten comfortable with anything past the basic first stage. As I'm going to a seminar with him on open guard, that should be very helpful. More drills for the running escape/turtle/panda would also be useful, so I'll have a think.

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